Mark's web stuff
Hi, I'm Mark. I'm a nerd who tries to do the right thing. I want to use the skills I have to make the world a better place, in whatever small ways I can.
This repo started as a central place for me to work on little projects that didn't really have a place of their own. Some of them were learning experiments with web technologies I hadn't use before. Some were more like practice, or proofs of concept.
Since it started, I've moved many of the little projects I created here out into their own repositories. Most of them are now published on npm under my personal @cipscis scope, such as @cipscis/fileio, and I've gone on to use them in other personal projects.
You can also check out my other repositories on Github to see some of the personal coding projects I've been working on.
To see the technology stack I use when starting new personal projects, you can look at my base package and base project repos.